Thursday 5 April 2012

  • Did the sites have any instruction for setting up your blog?
Yes,it has an instruction for setting up the blog.
  • Were directions needed or was the process self-explanatory on each site?
 No,I think there are very clearly to understand.
  • Can you control who sees your blog on each site?
Yes,I can control it.
  • Can you control comments on each site?
Yes,I can
  • If you were going to have students setup a blog, which of these sites would you choose at this point?
I think Google blogger is the best.
  • Explain why you chose that site over the other two?
 cause it is more easy to understand,and more easy to edit.
  • If you were to have students setup a blog on your chosen site, what type of information would you give the student prior to getting started?
Teleology, i think this is the best.
  • Overall, did you find setting up a blog easy or was it a frustration and why.
I think that's easy,cause it don't need any high teleology.Cause you don't need programing the blog,you only need to do is wright and design it.

P.S This is not a business competition it just a blogging assignment

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